I Think You Should Be Obsessed With Yourself (Humbly)

Photo by Tracy Fuentes By Natalia Lee I think I’m the coolest person on earth. Okay, not really but in a less exaggerated way, yes. What I’m really trying to say is: I like the way I dress, I love my taste in music, and my sense of humor is to die for (again, not…… Continue reading I Think You Should Be Obsessed With Yourself (Humbly)

Old is the New New: Celebrating the Revival of Vintage Tech

Photo by Tracy Fuentes By Emma Rosenstein Growing up without a phone until my junior year of high school, I developed a deep appreciation for what many now consider lost forms of media. I cherished my collection of over 200 CDs, many of which were passed down to me by my older sister. My old…… Continue reading Old is the New New: Celebrating the Revival of Vintage Tech

A Checklist for the Mature Silly Goose

By Jennifer Prewitt Generational groups love talking about other generational groups – a constant Venn diagram of the struggles we share and those that differentiate a Boomer from a Gen Z’er. As a Zygote Millennial, which is what I call a 26-year-old, I don’t foresee owning a home any time soon, nor do I understand…… Continue reading A Checklist for the Mature Silly Goose

Our Asian American Childhoods

By Kleigh Balugo Growing up Asian in America can look like a lot of different things. For most of us, it means that all of our “American” experiences of watching Spongebob and eating Kid Cuisine were often intertwined with things from our Asian identity. The combination of both identities, even when they’re in direct opposition,…… Continue reading Our Asian American Childhoods

In Bloom

Photo by Ahri Vi By Ahri Vi Only recently have I been comfortable enough to call myself a late bloomer. I can confess that I used to be embarrassed to admit that– at the age of 23, I had never been in a relationship, never been asked out, or even had my first kiss. This…… Continue reading In Bloom

Alone Together

Photo by Liz Gordon By Liz Gordon For most of my life, I have sought affection from someone else. Whether it’s romantic or not, I always thought it was something only another person can provide.  For some reason, I’ve been convinced I cannot provide enough care for myself in order to feel full and content.…… Continue reading Alone Together

The Talk

Photo by Tracy Fuentes By Ash Fuentes I dream of one day having a place of my own to decorate with every aesthetic that my mid-size heart desires. I’d spend money on as many nonessential homely items as I please. I already have the theme of every room picked out in my head, complete with…… Continue reading The Talk