The Last Moments Before Heartbreak

Photo by Tracy Fuentes

By Madison Kleinrock-Andrews

“It’s happening again. / How did it end? / I can’t pretend like I understand. / How did it end?” 

-Taylor Swift, “How Did It End?”

I ring your doorbell,

excited to spend the night with you. 

You open the door,

and I give you a kiss hello—

quick, more routine than passionate, 

the kind of kiss you give someone 

when you’ve already had many 

and assume there will be many more. 

I come in, take off my shoes,

put down my purse, and settle into 

my seat at your kitchen table. 

I watch you with love in my eyes 

as you make us Zuppa Toscana for dinner.

An ex taught you the recipe,

like I taught you my Philly Cheesesteak recipe 

just last week. 

We make small talk,

and you seem distant. 

I chalk it up to you being busy cooking.

I eat the soup quickly 

once you put it on the table.

It’s delicious

and I should probably slow down 

so that I can savor it more,

but I’m starving 

and I’m sure we’ll make it 

plenty of more times in the future. 

As we eat, we make more small talk,

and you still seem distant. 

I chalk it up to you being busy eating. 

I smile at you across the table 

after finishing my meal. 

The bowl is empty now,

but my heart is still full

and unbroken. 

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