The Coming Of Age Playlist

In the spirit of Issue 5, Kindergarten contributors curated the soundtrack to their lives. These are the songs that would play in the background of our coming of age movies. Listen along with us as the credits start to roll. Listen to the playlist here Ash Fuentes “Cliche” by Mxmtoon None of the songs I’m…… Continue reading The Coming Of Age Playlist

The Soulmates Playlist

Our third issue, Soulmates, is centered around love. In the spirit of soulmates and Valentine’s Day, Kindergarten contributors made a Spotify playlist of their most listened to love songs, most of which we’ve cried to. Whether you love or hate love songs, we’ve got you covered with recommendations. Listen to the playlist here Abbey Steinman…… Continue reading The Soulmates Playlist

Printable Valentines For You

By Tracy Fuentes, Kleigh Balugo, Ash Fuentes, Cait Thomson, Alyanna Moralda, Lyra ♡ Happy Valentines Day! ♡ Kindergarten contributors made their very own valentines for you to print out and give to your lovers, soulmates, friends, family, neighbors, pets, and mailmen. By Tracy Fuentes By Tracy Fuentes By Kleigh Balugo By Ash Fuentes By Ash…… Continue reading Printable Valentines For You

The Resolution Playlist

Photo by Kleigh Balugo In honor of our second issue, Resolution, Kindergarten contributors compiled their most loved songs in to a single Spotify playlist. Covering a wide range of different genres, artists, and time periods, this is what Resolution sounds like to us. Listen to the playlist here Alyanna Moralda “Everything Is Everything” by Ms.…… Continue reading The Resolution Playlist

Sources Of Warmth In The Winter

Photo by Kleigh Balugo By Alyanna Moralda Although winter is the coldest time of the year, I always found refuge in films that provided me warmth when my heater couldn’t. Classics like Home Alone and The Polar Express are definitely on that list but I found myself watching movies that strayed away from the Christmas subject itself. Regardless of…… Continue reading Sources Of Warmth In The Winter